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Universal Code

Google Domains

Google Domains is Universal Code’s preferred Domain Registrar.

We prefer to use Google Domains because in general it is best practice to keep your web services contained within one account as much as possible. Assuming you have a gmail account, it would be relatively easy for you to find your domain.

It is also easy to share access to your domain records with other Google accounts. This helps you control access to your domain account without having to give out or change passwords. It also helps when you have more than one Google account to share access between the two for easier access.

Google Domains is relatively easy to use, although their interface does change often and is not the most intuitive. But you aren’t going to be changing your DNS records often, and there is a vast amount of resources available for Google services.

We will be providing some guides relating to Google Domains and managing your domain records. The most common task is changing your name servers.