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Domain Basics and Web Address Best Practices

Domain Basics

Your domain is your web address – it is the way internet users will remember how to visit your site. Domains are managed by a non-profit group, ICANN, and leased out to website owners via domain registrars. The domain registrar we recommend and use is Google Domains.

Top Level Domains

Most domains end in .com, and that part of the domain is known as the Top Level Domain, or TLD. Other common TLDs are .org, .edu, .gov, .net, .info, etc. There are hundreds available. Our TLD is .space. These are great options when your preferred domains are unavailable.

Choosing a Domain

What you web address will be is an important decision because you will be displaying and saying it. You want your web address to be easy to remember, relatively easy to say and spell, and not too long. Domains with unusual spellings will often lead visitors in the wrong direction, as will domains that can be easily mistaken for similar brands. You want your domain to be distinct but not so abstract that it’s unmemorable.


In some cases you will want to purchase more than one domain to redirect to the correct domain. If you have a plural or single variation or alternate spelling, you can make sure those domains will still get the visitor to the right place.