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Universal Code


If your website isn’t working correctly – or at all – we can help.

We don’t charge for issues that can be resolved within 30 minutes, but if we are able to diagnose the problem we will come up with a plan of action. Any work beyond 30 minutes will require a one-hour minimum, but if we cannot diagnose after two hours we will reach out to discuss other options.

Our Approach:

  • Investigate Plugin Conflicts
  • Rollback Updates
  • Restore Backup
  • Review Error Log
  • Identify Source of Error – Ex: Server vs WordPress
  • Clear Caches
  • Reset Permalinks and .htaccess files
  • Change PHPini Settings
  • Test Domain Settings
  • Research & Consultation

Some situations, like security breaches, extend beyond the scope of Universal Code debugging and will require referral to specialists.

per hour
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